Create Top of Funnel Content for Your Brand

top of funnel content

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In the world of digital marketing, top of funnel content is the first interaction that a potential customer has with your brand. The content introduces your brand, piques your audience’s interest, and compels them to learn more about your products or services. Crafting irresistible top of funnel content is crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and setting the stage for a successful customer journey. 

In this blog, we will explore the different types of top of funnel content, tips for creating attention-grabbing headlines and introductions, strategies for engaging your audience, the importance of calls-to-action, and how to optimize your content for search engines. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a beginner, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to create compelling top of funnel content that will help you convert potential customers into loyal brand advocates.

What is top of funnel content?

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed, and you come across a post that catches your eye. Maybe it’s a blog post about a topic that interests you or an eye-catching infographic or video. You click on the post and start reading, and before you know it, you’ve spent the last 10 minutes exploring a brand you had never heard of before. Congratulations, you’ve just been exposed to the top of funnel content!

Top of funnel content is the content that a brand creates to introduce itself to potential customers and build awareness around its products or services. It’s the first point of contact that a potential customer has with your brand, and it’s designed to be informative and engaging without being overly promotional. 

The goal of top of funnel content is to capture the attention of people who may not have even been actively seeking out your brand or products. By creating compelling content that is relevant to their interests and pain points, you can spark their curiosity and draw them into your marketing funnel.

Creating effective top of funnel content requires a deep understanding of your target audience, their pain points, and their interests. By understanding what makes your audience tick, you can create content that resonates with them and builds a connection between your brand and your potential customers. In the long run, this can lead to increased brand loyalty and more conversions down the road.

So, next time you’re scrolling through your social media feed, pay attention to the brands that catch your eye. Take note of the content that they’re creating and think about why it resonates with you. By understanding what makes great top of funnel content, you can start to create content that captures the attention of potential customers and draws them into your marketing funnel.

Why is it important to have compelling top of funnel content?

In today’s digital age, consumers are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information and advertising every day. This means that it’s more important than ever to create top of funnel content that stands out and captures the attention of potential customers. By creating content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience, you can set your brand apart from the competition and build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Compelling top of funnel content is also important because it helps to bring potential customers into your marketing funnel. The content should be designed to spark curiosity and encourage potential customers to take the next step in the customer journey. 

This might mean signing up for a newsletter, following your brand on social media, or visiting your website to learn more about your products or services.

Understanding Your Audience

Creating compelling top of funnel content is a critical aspect of building brand awareness and attracting potential customers. However, to create content that resonates with your audience and compels them to take action, you first need to understand who they are, what they want, and what drives them. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of understanding your target audience, how to research your audience, how to create audience personas, and how to tailor your content to your audience.

Importance of understanding your target audience

The first step in creating effective top of funnel content is understanding your target audience. This means understanding their demographics, interests, pain points, and goals. Without this knowledge, you may end up creating content that doesn’t resonate with your audience, or worse, pushes them away.

By understanding your target audience, you can create content that speaks directly to their interests and pain points, making it more likely that they will engage with your brand and take the next step in the customer journey. Understanding your audience can also help you identify gaps in the market and opportunities for growth.

Research your audience

To truly understand your audience, you need to conduct research. There are many different methods you can use to research your audience, including surveys, focus groups, and data analysis. By analyzing data such as web analytics, social media insights, and customer feedback, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, interests, and pain points.

Create audience personas

One effective way to understand your target audience is to create audience personas. An audience persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on research and data. This persona can include information such as age, gender, occupation, interests, and pain points.

Creating audience personas can help you understand your audience in a more personalized and relatable way. You can use these personas to guide your content creation, tailoring your content to the specific needs and interests of each persona.

How to tailor your content to your audience

Once you’ve conducted research and created audience personas, it’s time to tailor your content to your audience. This means creating content that speaks directly to their pain points and interests, in a format that they prefer.

For example, if your audience consists of busy professionals, they may prefer short, snackable content that they can consume quickly on their mobile devices. On the other hand, if your audience consists of visual learners, they may prefer infographics or video content.

Tailoring your content to your audience can make a huge difference in how well your content performs. By creating content that speaks directly to your audience, you can increase engagement and build stronger relationships with potential customers.

By conducting research, creating audience personas, and tailoring your content to your audience, you can create content that resonates with your audience, increases engagement, and drives more conversions for your brand.

Types of Top of Funnel Content

When it comes to creating top of funnel content, there are many different types of content to choose from. Each type of content has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and choosing the right type of content for your brand depends on a variety of factors, including your target audience, your industry, and your goals.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are one of the most popular types of top of funnel content. They are typically written in a conversational tone and can cover a wide range of topics related to your industry. Blog posts can be educational, entertaining, or informative, and they can be used to drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

One of the key benefits of blog posts is that they can be optimized for search engines, which can help drive organic traffic to your website. By incorporating relevant keywords and providing high-quality content, you can increase your website’s visibility and reach a wider audience.


Infographics are a visual type of top of funnel content that can be used to convey complex information in an easily digestible format. Infographics are typically designed to be visually appealing and easy to read, and can be used to attract attention on social media platforms. They can be shared on websites, blogs, and other platforms, and can be used to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

When crafting infographics, it’s important to focus on the visual appeal of the content. This means choosing colors, fonts, and layouts that are visually appealing and easy to read. It’s also important to ensure that the information presented in the infographic is accurate, relevant, and useful to your audience.


Videos are an engaging type of top of funnel content that can be used to establish a deeper connection with your audience. Videos can be used to introduce your brand, provide information about your products or services, or entertain your audience. They can be shared on social media, embedded on your website, or used in paid advertising campaigns.

When creating videos, it’s important to focus on creating content that is visually appealing and engaging. This means using high-quality video equipment, choosing a visually appealing backdrop, and ensuring that the audio quality is high. It’s also important to keep your videos concise and to the point, as attention spans on social media platforms tend to be short.


Podcasts are a growing type of top of funnel content that can be used to establish a deeper connection with your audience. Podcasts are typically audio recordings that cover a wide range of topics related to your industry. They can be used to educate, inform, or entertain your audience, and can be shared on a variety of platforms, including iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

When creating podcasts, it’s important to focus on creating content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining. It’s also important to ensure that the audio quality is high, as poor audio quality can be a major turnoff for listeners.

Social Media Posts

Social media posts are a versatile form of top of funnel content that can be highly effective in building your brand’s audience and increasing engagement. Social media posts can take many forms, including images, videos, and text-based posts, and can be used to promote your brand, engage with your audience, and build relationships with potential customers.

To create effective social media posts, it’s important to focus on creating content that is visually appealing, engaging, and shareable. Use high-quality images and videos to make your content more visually appealing. Remember to also use relevant hashtags to make your content more discoverable. 

Crafting Effective Headlines and Introductions

When it comes to crafting irresistible top of funnel content, headlines and introductions are crucial. Your headline and introduction are the first things your audience will see, and they need to be compelling enough to grab their attention and entice them to read on. 

Why headlines and introductions are crucial

Your headline and introduction are the gatekeepers of your content. They are the first thing your audience will see, and they need to be compelling enough to capture their attention and make them want to read on. A great headline and introduction can mean the difference between your content being read and shared or being ignored.

Headlines and introductions are also important for search engine optimization (SEO). Your headline and introduction can include relevant keywords that can help your content rank higher in search engine results pages. 

This can increase your content’s visibility and attract more potential customers to your brand.

Tips for creating attention-grabbing headlines

There are several strategies you can use to create attention-grabbing headlines for your top of funnel content. First, make sure your headline is specific and relevant to your target audience. Use clear, concise language that tells your audience exactly what they can expect from your content.

Second, use strong action words and power words in your headlines. These are words that create an emotional response in your audience, such as “discover”, “unleash”, or “revolutionary”. Using these words can make your headlines more engaging and persuasive.

Finally, try to create a sense of urgency in your headlines. This can be achieved by using phrases like “limited time offer” or “don’t miss out”. Creating a sense of urgency can compel your audience to take action and engage with your content.

Examples of effective introductions

An effective introduction should be attention-grabbing, informative, and relevant to your audience. One way to create an effective introduction is to start with a question or a provocative statement that piques your audience’s curiosity.

Another approach is to use storytelling in your introduction. By telling a story that relates to your content, you can create a more emotional connection with your audience and make your content more memorable.

Here’s an example of an effective introduction for a blog post on digital marketing: “Do you feel like your digital marketing efforts are falling flat? Are you struggling to attract the right audience to your brand? In today’s competitive digital landscape, it can be challenging to stand out and reach potential customers. But with the right strategies and tactics, you can craft top of funnel content that grabs your audience’s attention and compels them to take action.”

In summary, crafting effective headlines and introductions is crucial for creating irresistible top of funnel content. By using specific language, strong action words, and creating a sense of urgency in your headlines, and using storytelling or provocative statements in your introductions, you can capture your audience’s attention and compel them to engage with your brand.

Creating engaging content

Creating engaging content is an essential component of a successful top of funnel strategy. Engaging content can capture your audience’s attention, build trust, and establish your brand as an authority in your industry. In this section, we’ll explore tips for writing engaging content, how to use storytelling in your content, and provide examples of engaging content to inspire your own content creation.

Tips for writing engaging content

When it comes to writing engaging content, it’s important to focus on creating content that is relevant, valuable, and interesting to your target audience. One way to do this is by using the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework in your content creation.

Start with a headline that grabs your audience’s attention, then follow up with an introduction that piques their interest. Provide valuable information in the body of your content that builds desire for your products or services. Finally, include a strong call to action that encourages your audience to take action, such as signing up for your newsletter or making a purchase.

Other tips for writing engaging content include using vivid language, creating a conversational tone, and providing examples and stories that illustrate your points.

How to use storytelling in your content

Storytelling is a powerful technique for creating engaging content. It allows you to connect with your audience on an emotional level and make your content more memorable. To use storytelling in your content, start by identifying a story that relates to your content and that will resonate with your audience.

Make sure your story is relevant and provides value to your audience. Use descriptive language to bring your story to life, and create a clear beginning, middle, and end. Finally, tie your story back to your content by illustrating a point or providing an example.

Storytelling can be used in a variety of content types, including blog posts, videos, and social media posts. It can be used to humanize your brand and create a deeper connection with your audience.

Examples of engaging content

Examples of engaging content can provide inspiration and ideas for your own content creation. Some examples of engaging content include interactive quizzes, behind-the-scenes videos, product demonstrations, and case studies.

One example of engaging content is the “Will it Blend?” video series from Blendtec, a company that sells blenders. The videos feature the company’s founder blending unusual items, such as an iPhone or a golf ball, to demonstrate the power of their blenders. The videos are entertaining and informative, and they have been highly successful in building brand awareness and driving sales.

In summary, creating engaging top of funnel content is crucial for attracting potential customers to your brand. By using the AIDA framework, incorporating storytelling, and drawing inspiration from examples of engaging content, you can create content that captures your audience’s attention, builds trust, and establishes your brand as an authority in your industry.

The importance of calls-to-action in top of funnel content

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are an essential component of any top of funnel content strategy. A well-crafted CTA can help guide your audience towards the next step in their customer journey, whether that’s subscribing to your newsletter, requesting a demo, or making a purchase. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of CTAs in top of funnel content, and provide examples of effective CTAs to help you create compelling calls-to-action for your own content.

Examples of effective calls-to-action

Effective CTAs are clear, concise, and compelling. They should encourage your audience to take action, while also providing a clear indication of what that action should be. Here are some examples of effective CTAs that can be used in top of funnel content:

  1. “Sign up for our newsletter”: This CTA is simple and straightforward, and it provides a clear indication of what action the audience should take.
  1. “Get a free trial”: This CTA offers value to the audience by providing a free trial of a product or service. It’s a great way to build trust and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.
  1. “Download our whitepaper”: This CTA offers valuable information to the audience in exchange for their contact information. It’s a great way to capture leads and build your email list.
  1. “Book a demo”: This CTA is effective for companies that offer software or other products that require a demonstration. It’s a great way to encourage potential customers to take the next step in their customer journey.
  1. “Join the conversation”: This CTA is effective for social media posts or blog content. It encourages the audience to engage with your brand and provides an opportunity for dialogue and relationship-building.

When creating CTAs for your top of funnel content, make sure to focus on creating a clear, concise message that encourages action. Use action-oriented language, such as “download”, “subscribe”, or “register”, to make your CTA more compelling. Finally, make sure your CTA is relevant to your content and provides value to your audience.

By providing clear, concise, and compelling CTAs, you can guide your audience towards the next step in their customer journey and build a loyal customer base. Use these examples of effective CTAs to inspire your own content creation and make sure to tailor your CTAs to your specific audience and industry.

Optimizing Your Top of Funnel Content

Creating top of funnel content is just the first step in attracting potential customers to your brand. To ensure that your content reaches the right audience, it’s important to optimize it for search engines. 

Why is it important to optimize your content for search engines

Optimizing your top of funnel content for search engines can help increase its visibility and attract more potential customers to your brand. 

By using relevant keywords, optimizing your headlines and descriptions, and using internal and external links, you can improve your content’s search engine ranking and reach a wider audience.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ongoing process that requires regular updates and adjustments. By monitoring your website’s analytics and keeping up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices, you can ensure that your content remains relevant and engaging for your target audience.

Tips for optimizing your content

To optimize your top of funnel content for search engines, it’s important to use relevant keywords in your headlines, descriptions, and throughout the body of your content. Use long-tail keywords that are specific to your industry or niche to help your content rank higher in search engine results pages.

Another important aspect of optimizing your content is creating high-quality content that is relevant and valuable to your audience. This can include providing answers to commonly searched questions or providing in-depth analysis of industry trends.

Other tips for optimizing your content include using internal and external links to improve your content’s credibility and authority, and ensuring that your content is easy to read and visually appealing.

Importance of mobile optimization

With more and more people accessing the internet on their mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your top of funnel content for mobile devices. This includes using a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and ensuring that your content is easy to read and navigate on smaller screens.

Mobile optimization can also include optimizing your content for voice search, which is becoming increasingly popular among mobile users. By using conversational language and including commonly asked questions in your content, you can improve your content’s visibility in voice search results.


Crafting a quality top of funnel content is a crucial component of any successful digital marketing strategy. By creating engaging, informative, and optimized content, you can attract potential customers to your brand and establish your business as an authority in your industry.

At Vital Growth Digital, we specialize in creating digital marketing strategies that are tailored to your unique business goals and target audience. Our team of experts can help you create top of funnel content that is engaging, informative, and optimized for search engines and mobile devices. 

Want to learn more about how we can help you take your digital marketing strategy to the next level? Contact us today and let us help you create top of funnel content that will drive traffic, generate leads, and grow your business!

Meet The Author

Timothy Brauning

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